(Food is Love. Food is Culture. Food is Connection. Food is Adventure.)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Duck, duck....GOOSE!

I don't have a lot to write today.  I am just aiming to get back to cooking more and blogging about it.

Because it's been far, far, far too long.

To the title above....we've cooked duck before, and quite successfully if I do say so myself.  But I didn't blog about it because life got in the way....too busy, too focused on other things, insert excuse here, blah blah, etc.

Now, today, I am looking for ideas for cooking a whole goose because, well, we have one in the freezer and, sooner or later we'll be getting another delivery from our poultry CSA and will need to make room.  We should have time to do this goose adventure next weekend.

So what say you?  How have/would you cook a whole goose?

Muchos grassyass in advance!